In connection with an article by Aida Kopmels, who discusses Egil Asprem’s book on the Problem of Disenchantment with regard to Crystal Magic, this project aims to discuss contemporary esoteric practices of crystal healing from a comparative perspective, with a special focus on the differences and commonalities between East and West. The most recent entry on Wikipedia qualifies Crystal healing as a “pseudo-scientific” practice with an “esoteric concept of energy”. Dismissed by a large number of scientists, Crystal healing is, therefore, part of “rejected knowledge” (Hanegraaff) that characterizes numerous esoteric practices based on alternative rationalities. Yet, these practices cannot only look back at a long history; they also constitute a widespread global phenomenon up to the present day. Previous studies have focused on the knowledge of Crystal Healing in the West or just focus on the application of Crystal Healing and ignore the social trend. In contrast, this study discusses the contemporary esoteric practices of Crystal Healing in a comparative perspective and will be concerned with (STS) Science, Technology, and Societal effects. By elaborating a specific questionnaire for practitioners both in East and West, this project will enlarge our views on commonalities and differences of the practice of esotericism with regard to crystal healing and focus on “Crystal Healing” in geomantic.
© Wan-Chun Cheng
© Wan-Chun Cheng
Lower Himalayan Region, India, South Asia
Kalindi Kokal