Books and Monographs
Aschenbrenner, Lina. Neo-Spiritual Aesthetics. Embodied Transformation in the Israeli Movement Practice Gaga. Bloomsbury Advances in Religious Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic 2023.
Burkhardt, Stefanie. 2024. Religion Erzählen. Mircea Eliades religionswissenschaftliches und literarisches Doppelwerk. Brill | Fink.
Cantú, Keith. Like a Tree Universally Spread: Sri Sabhapati Swami and Śivarājayoga. New York: Oxford University Press 2023.
Hayes, Kelly E. Spirits of the Space Age. The Imagined World of Brazil’s Valley of the Dawn. Oxford University Press 2023
Lackner, Michael. Gulangyu. Facetten einer Insel, Ostasien-Verlag 2023 (with Ruijing Qiu and the collaboration of Dorothee Schaab-Hanke).
Lackner, Michael. Handbook of Divination and Prognostication in China (ed. with Lu Zhao), Leiden: Brill (HdO) 2022.
Lackner, Michael. Le prime traduzioni latine del ‘Giusto mezzo’ (Zhongyong 中庸), (with an introduction by Giuseppe Portogallo and an preface by Tiziana Lippiello), Piazza Armerina, 2022.
Menzel, Birgit with Michael Hagemeister, Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, ed.: Μυστική Ρωσία. Αποκρυφιστικές και εσωτερικές διαστάσεις (The New Age of Russia. Occult and Esoteric Dimensions, Munich: Kubon&Sagner 2012), Archétipo publ., Thessaloniki, 2023, translated by Viktoras Pseftákis.
Menzel, Birgit with Anna Tessmann, ed.: New Age and Esoteric Milieus in the Soviet Period and Afterwards, LIT Verlag Münster, 2024.
Müller, Dominik M., with Marie-Claire Foblets / Katayoun Alidadi. Redesigning Justice for Plural Societies: Case Studies of Minority Accommodation from around the Globe. Routledge 2023.
Stoller, Paul. Wisdom from the Edge: Writing Ethnography in Turbulent Times. Cornell
University Press 2023.
Stoller, Paul. Translation of The Taste of Ethnographic Things into Portuguese. (O gusto dos coisas etnograficas. Rio de Janeiro: Papeis Selvagens 2022.
Guest-Edited Special Issues of Journals
Cantú, Keith. “Mantras for Every God and Goddess: Folk Religious Ritual in the Literature of Sabhapati Swami,” in Living Folk Religions, ed. Aaron Ullrey and Sravana Borkataky-Varma (Abingdon: Routledge, 2023).
Hirmer Monika (ed) (2024). Vernacular Cultures of South Asia. Special issue Decolonial Subversions 2023-2024.
Rivera Andía, Juan Javier (ed) (2024). Los ritos ganaderos amerindios cincuenta años después. Special issue allpanchis. Revista de Estudios Andinos 51(93).
Chapters in Books, Edited Volumes, Encyclopedias, Handbooks
Burkhardt, Stefanie (2024). “‘…and we have fallen apart:’ Vom Zerfallen, Verschieben und Aushandeln von Grenzen in Chinua Achebes Things Fall Apart,” in Klaus Hock, Claudia Jahnel, and Klaus-Dieter Kaiser (eds), Mission in Film und Literatur. Band 2: Grenzüberschreitungen: Plots – Akteur:innen – Kontexte. Veröffentlichungen der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Theologie (VWGTh), 72. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 167–176.
Errichiello, Mariano. “Parsis and Ritual Innovation: Zoroastrian Funerary Practices in Mumbai during the Pandemic.” In CoronAsur: Asian Religions in the Covidian Age, ed. E. Z. Hertzman, N. Lang, E. M. Larson, and C. Lorea (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2023), 115-120.
Errichiello, Mariano. “The Key of Ilme Kṣnum to Understand the Zoroastrian Religion (jarthośthī dharm samajavā māṭe ilme kṣnumī cāvī).” Database of Religious History (Vancouver: University of British Columbia), 2023 (
Gesterkamp, Lennert. “Jin Quanzhen daoshi Song Defang Piyun zhenren de xiaoxiang yanjiu 金全真道士宋德方披雲真人的肖像研究” (A Study on the Portaits of the Jin Dynasty Daoist Master Song Defang, Perfected Who Cloaks the Clouds). In preparation for Quanzhen daojiao meishu: tuxiang, kongjian, guannian 全真道教美術:圖像、空間、觀念 , ed. Sun Bo 孙博, Quanzhen Daoist Art: Images, Space, and Concepts 2023.
Lackner, Michael. “‘Vie conjointe’ ou ‘représentation ordinaire’? Goethe et Hegel sur le rapport des Chinois à la nature”. in: Tagungsband zu “Goethe – L’actualité d’un inactuel”, Paris: Éditions Hermann 2022, pp. 371-377.
Lackner, Michael. “A credulous skeptic: Ji Yun on mantic arts and spirit-writing”, in Communicating with the Gods:Spirit-Writing in Chinese Culture, ed. Matthias Schumann, Elena Valussi. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
Lackner, Michael. “Introduction”. in: Handbook of Divination and Prognostication in China, Leiden, ed. Michael Lackner and Lu Zhao, Brill 2022, pp. 1-26.
Lackner, Michael. “Moral Economies of Divination: Chinese and African Technologies, Ethics, Wisdom, and Affect”, with Raquel Romberg. CAS-E edited volume II (in preparation).
Lackner, Michael. A credulous skeptic: Ji Yun on mantic arts and spirit-writing”, in Spirit-Writing in Chinese Culture, ed. Matthias Schumann, Elena Valussi, Leiden: Brill 2023, 291-310.
Menzel, Birgit (2023). “Vasily V. Nalimov—A Scientist, Philosopher and ‘Mystical Anarchist’ from Komi,” in Manon Hedenborg White and Tim Rudbøg (eds), Esotericism and Deviance. Boston: Brill, 225–242.
Müller, Dominik M. “The Shaping of Islam in Brunei Darussalam”. in Routledge Handbook of Islam in Southeast Asia. ed. Syed Muhammad Khairudin Aljunied, London: Routledge, 2022.
Nehring, Andreas. “Mind the Body – Mindfulness Meditation as a Spiritual Practice between Neuroscience, Therapy and Self-Awareness”, in The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and Learning. ed. Kraus, Anja and Wulf, Christoph. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2022, 383-402.
Nehring, Andreas. „Heilige Namen-Namen der Heiligen“, in Glauben Lehren: Festschrift für Wolfgang Schobert, ed. Hamilton, Nadine, Steve Hamilton and Martin Hailer. Leipzig 2023.
Nehring, Andreas. „Spiritualität im religiösen Pluralismus – Postkoloniale Interventionen“, in Spiritualität. Theologische und humanwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, ed. Allolio-Näcke, Lars und Bubmann, Peter, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2022. 47-62.
Nehring, Andreas. „Unboxing Gaṇeśa – Oder: E-Darśan is no Darśan“, in Das Verborgene sehen: Sinnsuche zwischen Medien, Religion und Ethik, ed. Gürtler, Christian and Endres, Susanne. Erlangen: CPV 2022.
Otto, Bernd-Christian (ed.). ‘Western learned magic as an entangled tradition’, special issue of Entangled Religions 14/3 (2023). Open access:
Otto, Bernd-Christian. “Magic”, in: Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition, publ. October 31, 2022
Previato, Tommaso. 2024. “Stati Alterati di Coscienza come Pratica Ascetica: Annientamento di Sé, Fenomeni Allucinatori e Culto delle Reliquie nel Sufismo Jahriya” [Altered States of Consciousness as an Ascetic Practice: Self-Annihilation, Hallucinatory Phenomena, and the Cult of Relics in Jahriya Sufism]. In Pluralità degli Stati di Coscienza nelle Esperienze Religiose [Plurality of States of Consciousness in Religious Experiences], edited by E. Bianchi, F. Marcattili, and M. Minelli. Mimesis, pp. 135-150.
Stoller, Paul. “Jabes Among Songhay Sorcerers”. in Philosophy on Fieldwork: Case Studies in Anthropological Analysis, ed. N. Burbant and T. Schwarz Wentzer. New York: Routledge 2023, pp. 178-93.
Stoller, Paul (2024). “Eye and Mind Revisited: the Work of Art in Anthropology,” in Devaka Premawardhu and Don Seeman (eds), Between Life and Thought: Existential Anthropology and the Study of Religion (Chapter 2). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Stoller, Paul (forthcoming July 2024). “A Parable of the Footbridge: Creativity and Change in the In-Between,” in Bruce Kapferer and Marina Gold (eds), Egalitarian Dynamics: Liminality and Victor Turner’s Contribution to the Understanding of Socio-historical Process. London and New York: Berghahn Books, 48-62.
Stoller, Paul (forthcoming July 2024). “Jabes Among Songhay Sorcerers,” in Eva von Roekel and Fiona Murphy (eds), A Collection of Creative Anthropologies: Drowning in Blue Light and Other Stories. New York: Palgrave.
Articles, Papers, Reviews in Journals
Aschenbrenner, Lina. “Aesthetic Assemblages: Relational Aesthetics of the Israeli Movement Practice Gaga.” 2023, Preprint. SoArXiv.
Aschenbrenner, Lina. “Introduction: On Material and Embodied Power Dynamics and Religion.” Material Religion, February 2023, 1–3.
Bastos, C. (2024). Yoga, emotion, and behaviour: becoming conscious of habitual social roles. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 1–19.
Chophel, Dendup, and J. Phuntsho. “Buddhism and Modernity: Fourth International Vajrayana Conference – An Analytical Report”. Journal of Global Buddhism 24(1) 2023: 47–53.
Chophel, Dendup. “Bhutan: The Unremembered Nation. Vols. 1&2. (Book review)”. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology. 2023.
Chophel, Dendup. “Punctuating ‘Happiness’: Punctuated Equilibrium Theory and the Agenda-Setting of the Gross National Happiness (GNH) Policy in Bhutan”. in Review of Policy Research, 00, 2023, ed. L. Ugyel, M. Givel and D. Chophel. 1–17.
Errichiello, Mariano. “Beyond the Theosophical Paradigm: Ilme kṣnum and the Entangled History of Modern Parsis”. Journal of Persianate Studies (2024) 1–25.
Graw, Knut (2023). “Migration, Anthropology, and Voice. Notes on a West African Memory,” in Commoning Ethnography Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023).
Gyimesi, Júlia (2024). “A misinterpreted psychoanalyst: Herbert Silberer and his theory of symbol-formation,” in Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 60, e22289.
Herrmans, Isabell. Review Essay: In the Shadow of the Palms. Inside Indonesia, 2023. http:/
Hirmer, Monika (2024). “Editorial: Introducing a New, Radically Inclusive, Decolonial Knowledge Landscape,” in Decolonial Subversions 2023-2024, Special Issue Vernacular Cultures of South Asia, 1-12.
Isrtatii, Romina and Monika Hirmer (2024). “The Role of Language in Diversifying Knowledge Production: Reflecting on the Experience of Decolonial Subversions as a Multilingual Publishing Platform,” in Victoria Odeniyi and Gillian Lazar (eds), Decolonial Subversions Special Issue: Decolonising the university and the role of linguistic diversity, 77–95.
Lackner, Michael. 2024. “博弈之苦乐 (Hardship and Comfort Playing the Register of Chinese Language),” in 全球中文发展研究第二辑 2 (8).
Ladeira, Thaís Assis and Cecilia dos Guimarães Bastos (2024). “Life of Yoga and Neo-Hinduism: Identities and Belongings,” in Sociologia & Antropologia 14 (01).
Lennert Gesterkamp (2024). “Wang Ximeng Qianli jiangshan tu zhongde xiuxing gushi 王希孟《千里江山图》中的修行故事,” (Wang Ximeng’s A Thousand Miles of Streams and Mountains and its Story of Daoist Self-Cultivation), in Meishu daguan《美术大观》3(2024), 29-40.
Menzel, Birgit. Eurasia as a Spiritual Realm? Inquiries into an Imagined Continent, in: Journal of Comparative Studies(Daugavpils), volume 43, issue 15, 32– 58
Menzel, Birgit. Review: Dieter Vaitl (ed.), An den Grenzen unseres Wissens. Von der Faszination des Paranormalen, Freiburg: Herder, 2020 (544p.) in: ARIES – Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism, No. 2, 301–305 (doi:10.1163/15700593-20221002)
Menzel, Birgit. Review: Kirsten Bönker: Television and Political Communication in the Late Soviet Union, London: Lexington Books, 2020 for Jahrbücher für die Geschichte Osteuropas.
Menzel, Birgit. Vasily V. Nalimov – A Scientist, Philosopher and “Mystical Anarchist” from Komi, in: Proceedings of the 6th International ESSWE-Conference in Erfurt, ed. Tim Rudbog and Manon Hedenborg-White, Boston: Brill (2024, in print). DOI:10.1163/9789004681040_012
Menzel, Birgit. Witold Kośny (1937–2022) – ein persönlicher Nachruf, in: Zeitschrift für Slawistik 2023, 68(4): 1–3.
Nehring, Andreas, Postkoloniale herausforderungen an Religionswissenschaft. Interkulturelle Theologie und Missionswissenschaft, in: ZMR, Vol, 197, 2023, 135-142.
Nehring, Andreas. Review: “The middle things”. Differentiating between the religious spheres in mission contexts in the 18th and 19th centuries. 2023.
Nehring, Andreas. Review: Ulrich Harlass (2021). Die orientalische Wende der Theosophischen Gesellschaft. Eine Untersuchung der Theosophischen Lehrentwicklungen in der Zeit zwischen den Hauptwerken Alfred Percy Sinnetts. Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter. (2022), in: ThLZ 2022.
Otto, Bernd-Christian, “Hans Thomas Hakl: Three Lives in One”, in: Religiographies 2/1 (2023):
Otto, Bernd-Christian. “Conjuring Planetary Spirits in the Twenty-First Century: Textual-Ritual Entanglements in Contemporary ‘Magic(k)’”, in: Entangled Religions 14/3 (2023), DOI:
Otto, Bernd-Christian. “Introduction: Western learned magic as an entangled religion”, in: Entangled Religions 14/3 (2023), DOI:
Otto, Bernd-Christian. Review: “Shai Feraro and Ethan Doyle White (eds.), Magic and Witchery in the Modern West: Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of ‘Triumph of the Moon’, London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019”, in: International Journal for the Study of New Religions 11/2 (2022).
Rivera Andía, Juan Javier(2023). “Ethnography and sound: recent methodological efforts in a strongly patrimonialised space,” in Sound Studies, 9:1, 114-116,
Rivera Andía, Juan Javier (2023). “Cushing, Frank Hamilton. 2022. Tenatsali ou l’ethnologue qui fut transformé en Indien. Editado por Patrick Pérez et Frédéric Saumade. Traducido por Éléonore Devevey. Paris: CNRS Éditions,” in Anuário Antropológico, v.48 n.2 | -1, 194-198.
Rivera Andía, Juan Javier (2023). “Vinciane Despret, La Danse du cratérope écaillé. Naissance d’une théorie éthologique,” in L’Homme, 245, 161-163.
Rivera Andía, Juan Javier (2023). “Reseña de: MUÑOZ MORÁN, Oscar (ed.): Ensayos de etnografía teórica: Andes. (Madrid: Nola, 2021), 412 pp.” in Disparidades. Revista De Antropología, 78(2), r025.
Rivera Andía, Juan Javier (2023). “Vilaça, Aparecida: Paletó and Me. Memories of My Indigenous Father. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2021. 219 pp.” in Anthropos 118(1), 285-286.
Book reviews
Chophel, Dendup. 2024. Review of Rare Ethnography on the Politics and Practices of Religious Plurality in Rural Bhutan, by Kelzang T. Tashi. Current Anthropology, 65(5): 934-35
Lackner, Michael. 2024. “Maître de Huainan (2022), transl. by Marc Kalinowski. Traité des Figures Célestes. Paris: Les Belles Lettres,” in International Journal of Divination and Prognostication 5 (1), 154–157.
“Rivera Andía, Juan Javier (2024). “Briggs, Charles L. (2021) Unlearning. Rethinking Poetics, Pandemics, and the Politics of Knowledge, Utah State University Press (Denver, CO), ix + 346 pp. $36.95 pbk,” in Bulletin of Latin American Research.
Rivera Andía, Juan Javier (2024). “Escobar, Arturo. Pluriversal politics: the real and the possible. 232 pp., illus., bibliogr. Durham, N.C.: Duke Univ. Press, 2020. £22.99 (paper),” in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 30(2).
Blog Posts
Aschenbrenner, Lina (2023). “We Should All Learn kōkua and kāko‘o,” in Counterpoint Navigating Knowledge (blog), September 26, 2023.
Graw, Knut. 2024. “Into Oneness,” Research Network for the Study of Esoteric Practices (RENSEP). URL here.
Hirmer, Monika (2023). “Tantra Goes West: Reflections on Cross-Cultural Encounters, Centre–Margin Dynamics and an Insidious Paradox,” in Research Network for the Study of Esoteric Practices (RENSEP) (blog).
Otto, Bernd-Christian. 2024. “Re-defining Esotericism from a CAS-E Perspective”, in Aries – Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism 24, 236–239.
Stoller, Paul. Surrounded by the Spirits: Paul Stoller and the Songhay Journey towards Wellbeing. Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology, West Chester University.nSeptember 29, 2023 – December 1, 2024
Hirmer, Monika. 2024.04.28. ‘Embracing the World through Tantra: Perspectives from South Asia‘, hosted by Temples of Eros, London, United Kingdom.
Paul Stoller facilitated a Master Class in Ethnographic Writing at the Atlantic Anthropological Workshop, April 18-21 in Dingle, Ireland.
Stoller, Paul. June 04 University of Bayreuth “Wisdom from the Edge.
Stoller, Paul. June 06 Czech Academy of Sciences, The Gellner Lecture, “Doing Public Anthropology in Turbulent Times,”
Stoller, Paul. June 20. “the Wisdom of Others,” ZM0, Berlin.