Call for applications

The DFG-funded Centre for Advanced Studies (Kollegforschungsgruppe) ‘Alternative Rationalities and Esoteric Practices from a Global Perspective’ at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) is offering an:

Internship for 3-6 months full-time/part time

The preferred starting date is October 1, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Project description

The main goal of the Center for Advanced Studies – Erlangen (CAS-E) is to compare the interpretation, rationalization and legitimization strategies of esoteric practices and their practitioners from a global perspective, and to carve out why and in which ways they are successful, resilient and creative in different cultural and regional contexts. The Center has a global and contemporary research focus and adopts a broad heuristic working definition of ‘esoteric practices’. Simultaneously, CAS-E also comparatively investigates creative reinventions of traditional ‘esoteric practices’  that acquire new hybridizing forms in fields of tension with competing cultural registers (e.g. science, new technologies/media, political regimes, religious orthodoxies) which may contribute to their (re-)legitimation.


  • You must be a student currently enrolled in a humanities/social science study program with strong interest in the history/study of esotericism/occultism/esoteric practices and related fields from a transcultural and comparative perspective
  • Proficiency in German/English
  • Presence at CAS-E, Building D1, Hartmannstr. 14, 91052, on at least two days per week

What we offer

  • Participation in upcoming events, weekly colloquia and the lecture series
  • Assisting with projects such as the CAS-E Podcast
  • Contributing to the maintenance and development of the website
  • Managing and creating content for social media channels
  • Supporting the organization and execution of academic events and workshops
  • Networking with experts and professionals in the field

The internship is not remunerated but compensation of train tickets or other expenditures related to the internship can be discussed.


To apply, please send your resume, references and academic transcript to

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