Podcasting and Popular Media as Research Advocacy in Magic and Esoteric Studies

By Heather D. Freeman Scholar Plans, Fates Laugh In my abstract for this talk, I wrote that scholars of magic and esotericism “advocate for nuanced understandings of religious, spiritual, and magical diversity,” and that these topics are relevant to diverse academic disciplines as well as lay audiences. I added that “scholars often confront stigmas stemming […]
Visit from Bayreuth University

December 17, 2024 Students from the University of Bayreuth visit CAS-E Prof. Benjamin Kirby from Bayreuth University with some of his students at CAS-E The delegation from Bayreuth University and some of the CAS-E team members and fellows
A Cup with the President – Episode 17: Prof. Dr. Dominik M. Müller

November 29, 2024 Zu Besuch bei Prof. Dr. Dominik M. Müller, Lehrstuhl für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (Schwerpunkt Law Tech in globalen Rechtskulturen) FAU-Präsident Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger besucht in jedem Semester Professorinnen und Professoren, die neu an der FAU sind. In ihren Instituten möchte er mit ihnen ins Gespräch über ihre Forschung kommen, erfahren was […]
Weaving the World: Ethnographic Writing Workshop by Paul Stoller (May 7, 14 and 21, 2025 at CAS-E)

The aim of this workshop is to introduce participants to the fundamental features and essential practices of writing ethnography and creative non-fiction. The primary objective of the course is to show participants how to sensuously describe ethnographic spaces, sounds and characters. Participants will engage in writing exercises that enable them to “Weave the World,” a […]