Key Publications—Paul Stoller
2023 Wisdom from the Edge of the Village: Writing Ethnography in Troubled Times. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
2018 Adventures in Blogging: Anthropology and Popular Media. Toronto: U of Toronto Press
2016 The Sorcerer’s Burden: The Ethnographic Saga of a Global Family. New York and London: Palgrave.
2015 Climbing the Mountain: Cancer, Exercise and Well Being. London and Berlin: Meyer and Meyer (co- authored with Mitchell Stoller)
2014 Yaya’s Story: The Quest for Wellbeing in the World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
2008 The Power of the Between: An Anthropological Odyssey. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
2005 Gallery Bundu: A Story of an African Past. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Stranger in the Village of the Sick: A Memoir of Cancer, Sorcery and Healing. Boston: Beacon Press.
Money Has No Smell: Ethnography of West African Traders in New York City. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Winner of the American Anthropological Association’s
Textor Prize in Anticipatory Anthropology (Nominated for the J.I Staley Prize)
1999 Jaguar: A Story of Africans in America. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press
1997 Sensuous Scholarship. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
1995 Embodying Colonial Memories: Spirit Possession, Power, And the Hauka in West Africa. New York: Routledge.
1992 The Cinematic Griot: The Ethnography of Jean Rouch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Finalist for the African Studies Association’s Herskovits Prize)
1989 Fusion of the Worlds: Ethnography of Possession Among the Songhay of Niger. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Nominated for the J.I. Staley Prize)
The Taste of Ethnographic Things: The Senses in Anthropology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
1987 In Sorcery’s Shadow: A Memoir of Apprenticeship Among The Songhay of Niger. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (co‑authored with Cheryl Olkes)
1975 Black American English: Its Background and Its Usage in The Schools and in Literature. New York: Dell (Editor)
2021 El arte de la Etnografia en tiempos turbulentos. AIRB (Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana 16(1): 17-37.
2020 Imaging Knowledge: Anthropology, Storytelling and the Quest for Well Being in a Troubledworld. Swedish Journal of Anthropology (Special Issue: 3 (1) October
2019 Entrevista com Paul Stoller. Los desafios de contar en la actualida. (Cristina Moreno Revista de Anthropologia IberLozando y Juan Antonio Fores Martos. Revista de Anthropologia Iberamericana. 14 (2) 191-205.
2019 The Parable of the Footbridge. Anthropology Today 35 (5) October.
2018 a La philosophie ouest-africaine de Jean Rouch In R. Sherman (ed.) Dans le sillage de Jean Rouch: Temoignages et essais. Paris: Editions de la maison des sciences de l’homme, pp 565.
2018 b “Storytelling, Rouch and the Anthropological Future. Journal des Africanistes 87 (1-2): 368-83
2017 a “More on the Anthropology of Trump,” Anthropology Now 9(1)
2017 b “The Burden of Writing the Sorcerer’s Burden. Leuven Working Papers in Anthropology
2015 “The Bureau of Memories: Archives and Ephemera.” Fieldsites – Visual and New Media Review, Cultural Anthropology Online, March 20, 2015,
2014a Afterword: Restlessness and Well-Being. Anthropology and Humanism 39(1): 32-35
2014b Commentary: Storytelling and the Construction of Reality. Literature and Medicine 32, Number 2, Fall 2014 pp. 466-473
2013a Cancer Rites. Harvard Divinity Bulletin 41 (3-4) /Winter/Spring)
2013b Anthropological Musings on Blogging Bliss. Anthropology Now 5(3): 92-97.
2012 Immunology and the Between. Cultural Anthropology 27: 165-80.
2009 Re-Writing Culture. Etnofoor 21(1): 45-61.
2007 Ethnography/Memoir/Imagination/Story. Anthropology and Humanism 32(2): 178-91.
2004 Sensuous Knowledge, African Persuasions and Social Knowledge. Qualitative Inquiry 10 (6): 817-35
Circuits of African Art/Paths of Wood: Exploring an Anthropological Trail. Anthropological Quarterly 76(2): 204-27.
2002 Crossroads: Tracing African Paths on New York City Streets. Ethnography 3(1):35-62
2001 City Life: West African Communities in New York City. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 30(6): 651-77
1999 Back to the Ethnographic Future. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 28(6): 698-704.
1997 Globalizing Method: The Problems of Doing Ethnography in Transnational Spaces. Anthropology and Humanism 22(1): 81-95. Reprinted in
Etnografica, Lisbon, Portugal
1996 Spaces, Places and Fields: The Politics of West African Trading in New York City’s Informal Economy. American Anthropologist 98(4): 776-88
1994 Embodying Colonial Memories. American Anthropologist 96(3): 634-49 X Marks the Spot: The Ambiguities of African Trading in the Commerce of the Black Public Sphere. Public Culture 7(1): 249-75 (co-authored with Rosemary J. Coombe)
1992 Ethnographies as Texts/Ethnographers as Griots. American Ethnologist 19:353-67
Double Takes on Jay on Taussig. Visual Anthropology Review 10(1)): 155-63
Artaud, Rouch and the Cinema of Cruelty. Visual Anthropology Review 8(2): 50‑58 (Reprinted in L. Taylor (Ed) Visualizing Theory, New York: Routledge.
Embodying Cultural Memory in Songhay Possession. Archives Des Sciences Sociales des Religions 79: 53‑68.
1991 High in Fiber, Low in Content: Reflections on Postmodern Anthropology. Culture 11 (1‑2): 85‑96.
1989 Speaking in the Name of the Real. Cahiers d’Etudes Africaines 113: 113‑25.
Sauce Epaisse: Remarques Sure Les Rapports Sociaux Chez Les Songhay du Niger. Anthropologie et Societes 14(3): (Co-authored with Cheryl Olkes).
Jean Rouch’s Ethnographic Path. Visual Anthropology 2: 249‑65.
1988 Son of Rouch: A Portrait of a Young Anthropologist by The Other. Anthropology Quarterly 60: 114‑24.
1986 Bad Sauce, Good Ethnography. Cultural Anthropology 2: 352‑82 (co‑authored with Cheryl Olkes).
1984 Religion in the Postmodern World: A Review Article. Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly 11: 41‑42.
Horrific comedy: Cultural Resistance and the Hauka Movement in the Republic of Niger. Ethos 12(2): 165‑85.
Sound in Songhay Cultural Experience. American Ethnologist 11(3): 560‑71.
Eye, Mind and Word in Anthropology. L’Homme 24 (3‑4): Translated in German in Trickster 20
1982 Signs in the Social Order: Riding a Songhay Bush Taxi. American Ethnologist 9(4): 750‑62.
Beatitudes, Beasts and Anthropological Burdens: A Depth Interpretation of three Studies of Shamanism, Trance, And Possession. Medical Anthropology Newsletter 13 (4):
Relativity and the Anthropologist’s Gaze. Anthropology And Humanism Quarterly 7 (4): 1‑10.
1981 Social Interaction and the Management of Songhay Sociopolitical Change. Africa 52 (3): 765‑80.
1980 The Epistemology of Sorkotarey: Language, Metaphor, and Healing Among the Songhay. Ethos 8(2): 117‑32.
The Negotiation of Songhay Space: Phenomenology in the Heart of Darkness. American Ethnologist 7(3): 419‑32.
1979 The Word and the Cosmos: “Zarma Ideology” Revisited. Bulletin d’Institut Fondemental d’Afrique Noire 40(B):
1976 Ritual and Personal Insults in Songrai Sonni. Anthropology 2(1): 31‑37
1975 The Language Planning Activities of the U.S. Bilingual Educational Office. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 11: 45‑64.
Jabes Among Songhay Sorcerers. In N Burbant and T. Schwarz Wentzer (eds). Philosophy on Fieldwork: Case Studies in Anthropological Analysis. New York: Routledge, pp. 178—93.
The World According to Rouch. In P Vannini (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Visual Anthropology. New York: Routledge, pp. 357-46.
2015 Looking for the Right Path in Angelika Bammer and Ruth-Ellen Joeres (Eds) The Future of Scholarly Writing: Critical Interventions. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 101-11.
2014 Re-Imagining Ethnography In M. Harris and N Rapport (eds). Reflections on Imagination.
2013 Religion and the Truth of Being. In M Lambek and J Boddy, eds.) A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion. London: Blackwell, pp154-69.
2009 Jean Rouch and the Power of the Between in W. Rothman (ed.) Jean Rouch: A Celebration of Life and Film: 25-38: Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
2007 Embodying Knowledge: Finding a Path in the Village of the Sick, in M. Harris (ed.)Ways of Knowing: London: Bergdahl:
2001 West Africans: Trading Places in New York: In N. Foner (ed.) New Immigrants in New York (2nd ed.). New York: Columbia University Press.
1998 Rationality. In M.C. Taylor (ed.) Critical Terms for Religious Studies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press: 239-56.
1995 Artaud, Rouch et le cinema de la crualte. In C.W. Thompson (ed.) L’Autre et le Sacre: Surrealisme, Cinema, Ethnologie. Paris: Harmattan: 315-33.
1994 Consciousness Ain’t `Conscious’ In N. Sermetakis (Ed.) The Senses Still. Boulder, CO: Westview Press: 109-23
1992 Possession Chez Rouch, in Jean Rouch: Une Retrospective. Turin: Centre Culturel Francais.
1991 Son et Transe Chez Les Songhay du Niger in D. Bougnoux (Ed.) La Suggestion: Hypnose, Influence, Transe. Colloque du Cerisy. Paris: Delagrande, 143‑63.
1989 Stressing Social Change and Songhay Possession, in C. Ward (ed.) Altered States of Consciousness and Mental Health: A Cross‑cultural Perspective. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 352‑72.
L’Experience Religieuse en Afrique Noire. Le Grant Atlas Universalis des Religions. Paris: Encyclopedia Universalis, 346‑47.
1986 The Reconstruction of Ethnography, in P. Chock and J. Wyman (Eds.) Discourse and the Social Life of Meaning. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 52‑