(1) Magie. Rezeptions- und diskursgeschichtliche Analysen von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit, [Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten; 57], Berlin: De Gruyter 2011.
Reviews: (1) Willi Höfig, IFB (Digitales Rezensionsorgan für Bibliothek und Wissenschaft); (2) Helmut Zander, ZRGG 64,2 (2012); (3) Peter Busch, Theologische Literaturzeitung (Juni 2012); (4) Klaus Düwel, Germanistik 51, 3/4 (2012); (5) Cristoph Auffarth, Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 21,1 (2013); (6) Walter Giraldo, Volkskunde: Tijdschrift over de Cultuur van het Dagelijks Leven 1/2013; (7) Michael D. Bailey, Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 8,1 (2013); (8) Jesper Sørensen, Numen 60 (2013); (9) Wouter Hanegraaff, Aries 14 (2014).
(2) With Daniel Bellingradt, Magical Manuscripts in Early Modern Europe. The Clandestine Trade in Illegal Book Collections, [New Directions in Book History], Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan 2017.
Reviews: (1) Caspar Hirschi, FAZ (18. Oktober 2017, S. 10); (2) Francis Young, blog: (2018); (3) Monika Frohnapfel-Leis, Sehepunkte 18/3 (2018):; (4) Ansgar Holtman, Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 66/3 (2018).
Edited Works (Readers, Anthologies, Special Issues)
(1) With Michael Stausberg (eds.), Defining Magic. A Reader, [Critical Categories in the Study of Religion], Sheffield: Equinox Publishing (now Routledge) 2013.
Reviews: (1) Greg Spinner, Choice 51/1 (2013); (2) Margaret Gouin, British Association for the Study of Religions Bulletin 123 (2013); (3) Egil Asprem, Heterodoxology (2014); (4) Jørgen Podemann Sørensen, Numen 61 (2014); (5) Christian Giudice, Aries 14/2 (2014); (6) J. Tuomas Harviainen, Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion 2/1 (2014); (7) Joshua Levi Ian Gentzke, Religious Studies Review 41/1 (2015), 7-8; (8) Carole Cusack, The Pomegranate 20.1 (2018).
(2) With Susanne Rau and Jörg Rüpke (eds.), History and Religion: Narrating a Religious Past, [Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten; 68], Berlin: de Gruyter 2015.
Reviews: (1) Michael Stausberg, Numen 64 (2017); (2) Lorenz Trein, Religious Studies Review 43/1 (2017); (3) Dirk Schuster, ZRGG 69 (2017); Marc Beumer, Kleio-Historia 9 (2019).
(3) With Martin Fuchs, Antje Linkenbach-Fuchs, Martin Mulsow, Rahul Parson, and Jörg Rüpke (eds.), Religious Individualisation: Historical Dimensions and Comparative Perspectives, 2 vols., Berlin: de Gruyter 2019.
Reviews: (1) Mattias Brand, Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 29/2 (2021).
(4) With Dirk Johannsen (eds.), Fictional practice: Magic, narration, and the power of imagination, [Aries Book Series], Leiden: Brill 2021.
Reviews: (1) Timothy R. Grieve-carlson, Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 18 / 1 (2023); (2) Khanim Garayeva, Correspondences 11/2 (2023).
(5) “Western learned magic as an entangled tradition”, Special issue: Entangled Religions 14/3 (2023), DOI:
In preparation: “Alternative Rationalities and Esoteric Practices from a Global Perspective”, Special Issue: Method and Theory in the Study of Religion (forthcoming 2024).
“Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Meditationsforschung“, in: Spirita online (2001), online available at:
“Zauberhaftes Ägypten – Ägyptischer Zauber? Überlegungen zur Verwendung des Magiebegriffs in der Ägyptologie”, in: Florian Jeserich (Hg.), Ägypten, Kindheit, Tod. Gedenkschrift für Edmund Hermsen, Wien 2013, 39-70.
“’Magie’ beweisen? Überlegungen zur Prozesslogik des frühneuzeitlichen crimen magiae“, in: @KIH-eSkript. Interdisziplinäre Hexenforschung online 4 (2012), 79-100, online available at:
“James George Frazer”, in: Lexikon zur Geschichte der Hexenverfolgung, ed. Gudrun Gersmann, Katrin Moeller u. Jürgen-Michael Schmidt, online available at:
“Towards historicizing ‘Magic’ in Antiquity”, in: NUMEN International Review for the History of Religions 60, 2/3 (2013), 308-47.
“Discourse theory trumps discourse theory: Wouter Hanegraaff’s Esotericism and the Academy”, in: RELIGION 43/2 (2013), 231-40.
“A Catholic ‘magician’ historicizes ‘magic’: Éliphas Lévi’s Histoire de la Magie”, in: Otto, Bernd-Christian et al. (eds.), History and Religion: Narrating a Religious Past, Berlin: De Gruyter 2015, 419-43.
With Susanne Rau and Jörg Rüpke: “History and Religion”, in: Otto, Bernd-Christian et al. (eds.), History and Religion: Narrating a Religious Past, Berlin: De Gruyter 2015, 1-18.
“Historicising ‘Western learned magic’: preliminary remarks”, in: Aries 16 (2016), 161–240.
“Magic and Religious Individualization: On the construction and deconstruction of analytical categories in the Study of Religion“, in: Historia Religionum 9 (2017), 29-52.
“‘Magie im Islam’. Eine diskursgeschichtliche Perspektive”, in: Sebastian Günther and Dorothee Lauer (eds.), Die Geheimnisse der höheren und der niederen Welt: Magie im Islam zwischen Glaube und Wissenschaft, Leiden: Brill 2018, 515-46.
“Das Motiv der Perfektionierung im gelehrtenmagischen Diskurs des 20. Jahrhunderts”, in: Thomas Bahne and Katharina Waldner (eds.), Die Perfektionierung des Menschen? Religiöse und ethische Perspektiven, [Vorlesungen des Interdisziplinären Forums Religion; 13], Münster: Aschendorff 2018, 81-105; 305-19.
“A discourse historical approach towards medieval ‘learned magic’”, in: Sophie Page and Catherine Rider (eds.), The Routledge History Handbook of Medieval Magic, London: Routledge 2018, 37-47.
“Ralph Tegtmeier (alias Frater V∴D∴ or Frater U∴D∴)”, in: Egil Asprem (ed.), Dictionary in Contemporary Esotericism, Leiden: Brill forthcoming.
“Benjamin Creme”, in: Egil Asprem (ed.), Dictionary in Contemporary Esotericism, Leiden: Brill forthcoming.
“Share International”, in: Egil Asprem (ed.), Dictionary in Contemporary Esotericism, Leiden: Brill forthcoming.
“Maitreya-Christ”, in: Egil Asprem (ed.), Dictionary in Contemporary Esotericism, Leiden: Brill forthcoming.
“If people believe in magic, isn’t that just because they aren’t educated?”, in: Wouter Hanegraaff, Marco Pasi, Peter Forshaw (eds.), Hermes Explains: Thirty-Five Questions about Western Esotericism. Celebrating the 20-year anniversary of the chair for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents at the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press 2019, 199-206.
“The Illuminates of Thanateros and the Institutionalization of Religious Individualization”, in: Fuchs/Linkenbach-Fuchs/Mulsow/Otto/Parson/Rüpke (ed.), Religious Individualisation: Historical Dimensions and Comparative Perspectives, Berlin: de Gruyter 2019, 759-96.
With Martin Fuchs, Antje Linkenbach, Martin Mulsow, Jörg Rüpke and Rahul. B. Parson, “General Introduction”, in: Fuchs/Linkenbach-Fuchs/Mulsow/Otto/Parson/Rüpke (ed.), Religious Individualisation: Historical Dimensions and Comparative Perspectives, Berlin: de Gruyter 2019, 1-31.
With Matthias Heiduk, “Prognostication in Learned Magic of the Medieval Western Christian World”, in: Matthias Heiduk, Klaus Herbers, and Hans-Christian Lehner (eds.), Prognostication in the Medieval World, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2020, 948-59.
With Dirk Johannsen, “Introduction”, in: Bernd-Christian Otto and Dirk Johannsen (eds.), Fictional Practice: Magic, Narration, and the Power of Imagination, Leiden: Brill 2021, 1-20.
“Fictional Practice from Antiquity to Today”, in: Bernd-Christian Otto and Dirk Johannsen (eds.), Fictional Practice: Magic, Narration, and the Power of Imagination, Leiden: Brill 2021, 334-66.
“Magic”, in: Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition, publ. October 31, 2022, DOI:
“Conjuring planetary spirits in the 21st century: Ritual Entanglements in Contemporary Magick”, in: Bernd-Christian Otto (ed.), special issue: Entangled Religions 14/3 (2023), DOI: 10.46586/er.14.2023.10299.
“Introduction: Western Learned Magic as an Entangled Tradition”, in: Bernd-Christian Otto (ed.), special issue: Entangled Religions 14/3 (2023), DOI: 10.46586/er.14.2023.10457.
“Hans Thomas Hakl: Three lives in one”, in: Religiographies 2/1 (2023):
“The resilience of Western magic(k) from the 19th to the 21st centuries: a multifactorial explanation“, forthcoming.
“Jan Assmann, Harald Strohm (eds.), Magie und Religion, [Lindauer Symposien für Religionsforschung; 1], Wilhelm Fink Verlag: München 2010”, in: Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 63/4 (2011), 396-98.
“Kocku von Stuckrad, Locations of Knowledge in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Esoteric Discourse and Western Identities, [Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History; 186], Brill: Leiden 2010”, in: Journal of Religion in Europe 5 (2012), 123-26.
“Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa Núñez, Sofia Torallas Tovar (eds.), Edición de Textos Mágicos de la Antigüedad y de la Edad Media, Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas 2010”, in: Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 20/2 (2012), 287/88.
“Gideon Bohak, Yuval Harari, Shaul Shaked (eds.), Continuity and Innovation in the Magical Tradition, [Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture; 15], Leiden: Brill 2011”, in: ARIES: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism 13/2 (2013), 308-13.
“Edward Bever, Randall Styers (eds.), Magic in the Modern World: Strategies of Repression and Legitimization, [The Magic in History Series], University Park: Pennsylvania University Press 2017”, in: Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte 20 (2018).
“Marco Frenschkowski, Magie im antiken Christentum. Eine Studie zur Alten Kirche und ihrem Umfeld, [Standorte in Antike und Christentum; 7], Stuttgart: Hiersemann 2016”, in: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 22/1 (2018).
“Marco Heiles, Das Losbuch. Manuskriptologie einer Textsorte des 14. bis 16. Jahrhunderts, [Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte; 83], Köln: Böhlau Verlag 2018”, in: Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte 22 (2020).
“Shai Feraro and Ethan Doyle White (eds.), Magic and Witchery in the Modern West: Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of ‘Triumph of the Moon’, London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019”, in: International Journal for the Study of New Religions (11/2).
“Meditation and Science”, in: Journal for Meditation and Meditation Research 01/2001, Frankfurt/Main 2002, 104/105.
“Dissertation abstract: PhD thesis ‘Magie. Rezeptions- und diskursgeschichtliche Analysen’ (‘Magic. An analysis of its reception and discourse history’)”, in: Societas Magica Newsletter 24 (2010), 6.
With Jörg Rüpke and Susanne Rau: “Tagungsbericht: Historiography of Religion: New Approaches to origins of narrating a religious past”, in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 30.01.2013, online available at:
“Welche Rolle spielt Esoterik in der westlichen Welt?”, press release (May 29, 2017), Erfurt university:
“Wieviel Magie steckt noch in der Gegenwart”, press release (August 29, 2017), Erfurt university:
“Scholar interview: Bernd-Christian Otto”, in: ESSWE (European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism) Newsletter 8/2 (2018).
“Scholar interview: Bernd-Christian Otto”, in CEEO (Centro de Estudios sobre el Esoterismo Occidental) – UNASUR (Unión de Naciones Suramericanas) Newsletter 6/1 (2018) [with Portuguese translation].
“Interview on the new Center for Advanced Studies ‘Alternative Rationalities and EsotericPractices from a Global Perspective’ – Erlangen (CAS-E), University of Erlangen-Nuremburg”, in: ESSWE (European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism) Newsletter 13/1 (2022).
“Dancing to the Tree of Life: An Ethnography of a Neo-Amerindian Movement”, blog post, CAS-E website, publ. September 2023: