Between World: Mystic Practices and Belief Systems from the Lower Himalayas

Researcher: kokal, kalinda

Research Project: Between World: Mystic Practices and Belief Systems from the Lower Himalayas

Region: Lower Himalayan Region, India. South Asia

The present research plan proposes to document esoteric practices focusing on grievance redressal and conflict resolution and understand them in the light of their local interpretations and significance. The study of esoteric practices often leads people who are not part of the circle of shared consciousness that sustain and reinforce such beliefs to make sense of them as coping mechanisms. However, can there be an understanding of these practices for what they are and what they mean for the individuals that practice them? Do practitioners and believers also view them as coping mechanisms? As strategies to process disputes? As non-confrontational peace offerings? How does the local community make sense of the intangibility, fluidity and the continuity that these rituals reflect between the real and cosmic world?