From Medieval to Renaissance Astrology: Marsilio Ficino’s Astrological Writings and Practices

Researcher: Rutkin, H Darrel

Research Project: From Medieval to Renaissance Astrology: Marsilio Ficino’s Astrological Writings and Practices

Region: Western Europe

My current scholarly project is to complete volume II of my monograph on the history of astrology, Sapientia Astrologica: Astrology, Magic and Natural Knowledge, ca. 1250-1800. Vol. II is on Renaissance astrology, focusing in particular on Marsilio Ficino (1433-99) and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-94). As a CAS-e fellow, I will develop my analysis of Marsilio Ficino’s astrological writings and practices, including centrally what I argue is his deeply theurgical understanding of astrology. This ritual approach to astrology—and especially Ficino’s theurgical ritual for making talismans in De vita Book III (1489)—is at the root of at least some contemporary magical practices involving planetary spirits that I will also explore during my time at CAS-e.